Sunday, August 31, 2014

Not Yet Autumn

Welcome to the Poetry and Painting Blog!

The following poem was created by Dr. Peter Densen, a good friend, renowned physician, and avid berry picker, particularly in Maine!

Not Yet Autumn

Not yet autumn, not quite summer.
Filtered sunlight; hazy on
tan fields – that earlier green,
moved gently at a breeze’s whim.
Nubbins where succulent raspberries once promised,
blackberries still plentiful on sandy slopes,
blueberry bushes empty and turning.
Days still warm with promise, 
welcomed by softening tar
on country road, round the turn
mist rising slowly from the slopes,
maples tinged in anticipation.
The crickets’ chorus now a lone aria.
Memories of my youth, here and now.

Not yet autumn, not quite summer.

With this poem he sent me a photograph he took of a blackberry bush...
My painting was inspired by both:

For the coming month of September I am participating in a 30-day challenge of a painting a day.  This is the kick-off for that challenge. For information about the above painting, my daily works for the challenge, and my art in general, please visit

I welcome you to sign up, below, for this occasional blog and share it with your friends who might be interested. AND I invite you to (continue) to send  favorite photos you have taken and writings (inspiring, thought provoking, or humorous) 
 to me at  

In the following section, I hope that you will add personal comments and links to your own images related to this posting. I would like to make this creatively interactive!